Saturday, August 30, 2008

Still Having Fun While Working A Ton

School has hit me full swing and I somehow ended up with FIVE shifts at the emergency clinic this week despite intending to only pick up two (I must practice saying no in the mirror and then also make sure I never owe anyone any favors... ah well, it's a lost cause and I enjoy the work and the people too much to do more than complain a little).

But I'm determined not to become a recluse. Thursday night I went out to say goodbye to The Brazilian Dancer, a co-worker I have known for several years. This is her below, and as a disclaimer I did not take this photo:

She is a fearless, extremely competent nurse, upbeat, funny and one of the best dancers I know. Unfortunately, just as I arrive back in the Bay area she takes off for Brazil for a month, but she'll be back. Joining me was LaMexicana and her sister and sister's boyfriend. It made for a fun evening. I had my first sake bomb. Hit the sack close to midnight. Genetics quiz 8:30 am. Who needs sleep? (Oh yeah, Melissa thinks it is important and there have been some interesting studies on it in the news recently...)

Saturday morning before I sat down to study, I took a few hours to go downtown and check out the San Jose Tapestry Arts Festival. I've lived in San Jose for seven years now and have never been, though I know lots of people who have and loved it. Since I have a feeling this may be my last year in San Jose I want to see everything local that I can. Also, since the San Jose State campus is downtown I have gotten more acquainted and interested in the goings-on there in the past week than in the entire preceding seven years.

The festival was OK. It is primarily a bunch of art vendors, and since I had no intention of buying anything I just looked. I liked the photography the best.

Then it's back to the books.

For breaks, I've done some cooking. I sauteed enough farmer's market vegetables to leave a plate for Dr. Cool in the fridge. I also got gifted a starter mix for Amish friendship bread by the head nurse at the adjacent specialty hospital (we took nursing classes together back in 2002/2003, kind of cool). How many recipes have ten days of instructions, where mostly you just "mush the bag"-- now that is my kind of cooking!

1 comment:

aunt k said...

his dogs are too sweet...