Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Future Of This Blog And A Big Thank You

Several people have asked me about the future of this blog now that I am safely back in San Jose. The answer is that I plan to continue blogging. (That should come as no surprise to those of you who read the previous post). I might at some point change the location or title of the blog, but I will inform my readers first. The only thing that would make me disappear at this point from the blogosphere would be a stalker.

That being said, I am finding it challenging to keep my entries interesting. Life here seems more routine, more staid. There are no gorgeous bird photos, fewer travel adventures. It's hard to upload photos at all at the moment because I don't have regular access to wireless internet access so I have to take the photos off my computer and carry them with me to upload them.

But for everyone who has enjoyed reading about my adventures, I will try to do my best to keep you posted on my life even as it becomes more boring and probably more hectic, leaving me less time to blog.

Now is the time for me to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who posts comments, emails me privately, or tells me in person they've enjoyed my photos or reading my writing. It means the world to me that you care.


aunt k said...

I'm glad u're enjoying the jelly. Your wonderful pictures make me feel hungry.

eb said...

This is just motivation to go on adventures and keep your life interesting, for the sake of your blog : )