Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What Science?

The very first comment on this blog came from my friend C, who was excited about following the research aspects of this project via my blog. I bet she is at least a little disappointed, for I haven't really written much about the underlying science of our research on West Nile virus. Mostly that has been because I honestly didn't understand enough about what was going on to write anything meaningful. Today, my boss and advisor took advantage of the rainy weather to give us a long talk that amounted to an overview of all the past research, ongoing research, and open questions he'd like to answer. So now I can start writing more about the science. There's one small caveat-- he's asked me not to write about certain things that are in progress and unpublished because he doesn't want someone to beat him to the punch. So I have to find out what's game and what's not, then I will start doing some posts that are more science than just pretty photos and commentary on nest searching. I'll tell you right now, the main thrust of the science of the crew I'm on is off bounds for writing about, sorry, but if you email me privately I'll answer any questions, I just can't put it up on the internet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading it-someday.
Take care