Friday, May 9, 2008

It's Raining

Another rainy day waylaid our plans to mist net. However, there is something cozy about sitting around the kitchen table entering the robin nest sites onto Google Earth maps on our laptops, hot chocolate in hand, back door open to the soothing tap tap tap of rain on the tin roof over the porch.

The weekends are kind of lonely for me. I'm used to working and being in school, so I'm at a bit of a loss with what to do with all the free time on my hands. For lack of anything better, I went on a long run in Rock Creek Park. I'm ready to do some races, I just have to see what is coming up in the area.

I think I'll try to finish the book I'm reading, The Singing Life of Birds: The Art and Science of Listening to Bird Song by Donald Kroodsma. It's pretty dense reading but definitely interesting.

No one is sure what effect all the rain is going to have on the robins' nests in the area. It seems unlikely that there has been enough of a storm to cause the adults to abandon their nests, however, some of the more poorly made nests are in a precarious position, teetering on the verge of sliding off their branches. It'll be interesting to see what we find when we get back out in the field next week.

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