Thursday, May 8, 2008

Don't Look Down

Today I checked on some more nests, balancing precariously on the top rung of the ladder for one, while holding a nestling in one hand. For the other I stood on the top rung of the ladder with one foot and put the other foot on the top rail of a person's deck, again while grabbing the nestlings with one free hand. My new motto: Don't look down! Seriously, I'm fine as long as I don't look.

It rained today so other than checking a few crucial nests, we stayed in. That means sleeping in (yeah! getting up at 9:30 am is much easier than getting up at 3:30 am).

Here's a funny conversation that occurred just now with my roommate and co-worker:
Roommate: "You haven't seen the movie 10 Things I Hate About You?"
Me: "No."
Roommate: "Your rock must have been huge!"
Me (huh? what is he talking about?): "What rock?"
Roommate: "The one you were living under. It must have been like a rock mansion!"

It's always nice to live with people with a sense of humor. From now on they will probably refer to my rock mansion every time I miss a reference to popular culture, which is often.

And now, I'm off to dinner at the Ethiopian restaurant around the corner. Describing to someone how to find me there, "Every time I've been in there I've been the only white person in there so finding me shouldn't be hard. I stick out like a sore thumb." Ethiopian food, yum:)

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