Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Gallery of Robins' Nests Part One

The nestlings above are 11-12 days old, just on the verge of fledging. This picture was taken yesterday, today when we went by the nest the young were no longer in it but standing on the side, ready to leave.

This nest had four eggs in it (note the pole and bicycle mirror method of checking a nest). 3-4 eggs is average for a robin. The most we've seen so far is 5, and we suspect that a second robin laid one or more of the eggs in that nest.

These nestlings are just 3-4 days old. They are begging for food.

These nestlings are no more than a day old. There was still one unhatched egg in the nest.

These nestlings are 3-4 days old. Their eyes were not open yet.

These nestlings are 7-8 days old. They are not quite ready to fledge but will be leaving the nest soon.

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