Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Drama!

Walking back to the house last night after running some errands, I heard and saw the robin and her mate that are nesting in the tree next to our front door chasing off a pair of blue jays. I think that nest is toast now that the blue jays know where it is, but for the time being the robins successfully defended it and she was back on the nest at dusk.

Noticing the drama of the bird world makes my life so much richer. It's a little soap opera in my front yard. It's another world superimposed on top of the human one. A rich, dramatic world. How is it NY put it? Another dominion.

Perhaps the nest will make it after all. I'm even more interested than ever. So far the only depredation Eagle Eyes and I have seen in action was by a squirrel at Baltimore and a grackle at Foggy Bottom, even though the corvids, as always, take all the bad rap.

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