Thursday, July 17, 2008

And Now For Something A Little Bit Different: Mockingbird Nest-- Eggs to Fledglings

I know, not nearly as interesting as a blue jay nest for you corvid fans you, C and L, but interesting to me as they are so expressive with their tails and have such an incredible capacity for mimicry in their songs. The nest is located just around the corner from my house and was found by the infamous nest searcher extrordinaire, Eagle Eyes. Here it is July 2 with four eggs:

And then July 10 there were nestlings:

Here's the bush the nest is in, you'd never even guess it was there if you weren't looking:

I came back from North Carolina (July 13) and there were three (but for some reason the picture will only post upside down so I have to skip it).

And then today there were only two:

But wait, the third one had already fledged and was sitting on a branch of the bush:

Unfortunately my photo shoot caused a second nestling to jump from the nest, so I chased it around on the ground until I caught it and returned it to the nest. I didn't think they were ready to fledge-- July 2 eggs to July 17 fledging, that's 15 days, I guess it sounds about right after all assuming they hatched shortly after my photo of the eggs on July 2...

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