Sunday, July 27, 2008

The 10 Minute Move Part II

At the beginning of the summer, when I moved between houses on the project, I was thrilled with how little stuff I had and how easy the move was.

This week, I felt stressed by the prospect of packing up my stuff to go back to California. Eagle Eyes reassured me that I really don't have much stuff, but somehow it seemed hard to believe.

Well, when I began packing to go to Glastonbury, I realized she is absolutely right. It took me less than ten minutes to pack practically everything I own. I am leaving my cold weather clothes and most of my summer wardrobe too in Glastonbury to lighten my load as I travel around the East coast for the next three weeks. All I have left in DC is one dress, one nice outfit and my field clothes, which I will donate or trash before leaving as they are fairly thrashed.

I really, really still like not having many possessions. I think I will keep paring down my belongings when I get back to San Jose. I feel so much less encumbered when I can move all my stuff in less than ten minutes. I feel so free. I know it's an illusion, but I feel like owning so little and being so mobile will somehow prevent me from being trapped in another bad relationship or keep me from falling unconsciously into a conventional lifestyle.

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