Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Field Tech Boot Camp

This week I have been incredibly discouraged, demoralized and just plain exhausted. Getting up at 2:45 am every day and not getting back to the house until 4 pm, then not getting to bed till after 9 pm will do that to you. I feel like I'm in boot camp but I'm told you get a little more sleep in boot camp.

Monday was blazingly, scorchingly hot. I felt like I was stuck inside an oven all day. Tuesday was not quite so hot but very humid. I felt like I was in a sauna all day but it was bearable. Just a few degrees make a huge difference-- over 98F there is no thermal gradient between your body and the ambient temperature so cooling is much harder. Last night we had a giant thunderstorm and it cooled off significantly but today the exhaustion really kicked in. Not getting enough sleep despite my best efforts and frequent naps has hit me really hard. I don't feel functional. Even Eagle Eyes said she felt like she was really dragging today.

I really wasn't aware that I would be this sleep deprived or working such long hours in 98+ heat. All I can do right now is try to survive.

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