Sunday, June 8, 2008

Addicted To The Internet

The good news is that our continuous internet connection that was abruptly cut off after last week's storm has been restored. The bad news is that my roommates, and Eagle Eyes in particular, have proclaimed that I am addicted to the internet since I freaked out so badly during the time that our internet connection was out-- checking constantly to see if we were back online trying desperately to fix it.

I did not like having this pointed out to me, but after having carefully considered their arguments, I realize they are right. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, and I fully admit I am dependent on the internet for a great deal of my day to day satisfaction. I had no idea I would enjoy writing this blog so much, and I really hated not being able to post anything and being cut off from my loyal readers (actually, I only know of two people who read this blog daily-- my father and my aunt-- but even that means the world to me). But even before I started writing a blog I squandered a lot of my free time reading the news, other people's blogs and surfing various websites.

This is an odd thing to realize, because I pride myself on living simply, enjoying the outdoors, and not getting caught up in the modern day rat race. I've never owned a TV, I haven't seen a movie in over six months, yet I'm completely caught up in the internet.

All I can say is that it is going to be something I continue to think about a lot. While I enjoy staying in touch with people through my blog and email, I am going to try to take a break from the internet every now and then for a day or two just to force me to spend my time in other ways.


Anonymous said...

If you are reading this you are on the internet!!
I must admit though that I suffer the same addiction.

Hermit Thrush said...

It's funny, I definitely think of you as someone who lives simply and in accordance with ethical, environmentally conscious values so I wasn't expecting that admission. I guess the internet just sucks you in like quicksand.