Friday, November 21, 2008

My Anonymous Quiz And Other Tidbits From The Peanut Gallery

So today in genetics we got back our quizzes. The one on top of the pile was mine. It had my handwriting, my paper, but no name. Date-- yes. Quiz number and title-- yes. But no name, just a bunch of question marks in the professor's red ink where the name should have been. Oh yeah, and a perfect score.

I brought it up to the instructor and told her it was mine. She recognized the handwriting and believed me. She said she and her husband had been laughing at breakfast about how someone could get a perfect score and then forget their name. Yes, that's me. Space cadet.

In other news from school, FYI, shark kidneys are not retroperitoneal. They also don't look a think like mammalian kidneys. Oh yeah, and on that same shark dissection, I confused the ileum with the rectal gland. Oops again. Note to self-- shark intestines do not look like mammalian intestines either. Oh well.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol- that is sooooo you!