Sunday, November 16, 2008

Birthday Girl

This is the Birthday Girl. She definitely seemed to be enjoying herself. She reminds me an awful lot of me as a kid. She is so precocious, so verbal and so very, very active. Below she is standing on the fence in her yard, which she just climbed over.
Birthday Girl was quite insistent on everyone gathering around to watch The Amazing Trick, which consisted of hanging upside down and then dropping off of her jungle gym. I had many similar amazing tricks as a kid (including bracing against the doorway until I was perched at the top of the doorway, where I would stay as long as possible, liking being high up). Good thinking whoever's decision it was for Birthday Girl to wear shorts underneath her dress!

Finally, here is Birthday Girl bouncing on her trampoline:

And I can't help but show off the gifts I got her: a plush white vest with silver tinsel woven into it (Birthday Girl loves sparkles and soft things) and also a purple dress whose upper half is made of velvet. I think she liked the vest a lot, judging by the fact that she put it on immediately.

The vest was a bit expensive at $3, but the dress was only $1. I felt free to announce this fact as Birthday Girl's mom, Self-Sustainable Nurse, is one of the most thrifty people I have ever met. She considers $1 a lot for a piece of clothing, and like me, only shops at thrift stores. In fact, prior to the party I stopped by San Martin's community store to check out Self-Sustainable Nurse's all-time favorite thrift store (how could one pass up something so highly recommended?):

Downtown San Martin, like San Juan Bautista and the other towns around Gilroy and Monterey, makes me feel like I've stepped onto the set of a film from the Wild West.

All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon. Thanks for the invitation, Birthday Girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought Birthday Girl looked very familiar!! Haha. How awesome that you got to go to her birthday party. I miss working with SelfSustainableNurse alot.