Tuesday, October 28, 2008

In A Nutshell Why I Am Against Prop 8

1. It makes me personally feel like a second class citizen to have the option of marrying taken away. Even if I choose to never exercise that right, I want to be entitled to the same rights as straight people.

2. It is a civil rights issue. I am against amending the state's constitution to take away the rights of any minority group.

3. I agree with the California supreme court's ruling and interpretation of strict scrutiny. There is no compelling interest for the government to deny gay couples the right to marry. Moreover, it does not hurt anyone. It might offend many people's religious views, but we do not live in a theocracy (thank G-d), at least so far. We live in a country that is supposed to have separation of church and state and so people's religious views should not dictate whether the government issues marriage licenses and or grants the same benefits to straight or gay couples.

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