Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Juggling As Fast As I Can

The past few weeks I have felt like I am constantly juggling and straining every sense not to drop a ball.

When I arrived back in CA, I had to juggle moving in, work, trying to get into classes, doctor's appointments, social engagements. Doesn't sound like much but it was tricky and at one point I double booked a doctor appointment and meeting with the chair of the biology department at SJSU (that was partly through my own fault of leaving my planner in NC, thanks to EB&D for sending it to me).

Now it is juggling school, applications, cooking, friends and work.

Tonight I am home alone again with the dogs, studying and cooking, Henry Ate playing in the background. I've never been the world's best multi-tasker (ask anyone at the emergency clinic-- I love anesthesia so much partly because it affords me the luxury of focusing all my energy on one task instead of trying to care for eighteen patients at once). So cooking and studying together is in of itself a bit of a challenge. Luckily I have my computer and textbooks next to the range so I can hear and see the products of my steaming and sauteeing. And they didn't turn out badly either. I must say I am pretty proud of myself for cooking my Swiss chard and broccoli while studying so I have food for the rest of the week and weekend. Go me. I can juggle!

1 comment:

aunt k said...

I'm so proud of you! don't forget a timer can be really helpful...