Tuesday, November 18, 2008


My genetics exam this morning was not pretty. Not as bad as the notorious quantum exam of oh so many years ago whose questions I could not even decipher, but not pretty nonetheless (so glad you remember that exam too, Poc Poc). Lots of nit picky details, like 5-bromouracil is a base analog for thyamine, what base does it incorrectly pair to (not adenine, but is it guanine or cytosine?). There are too many mechanisms for mutations for me to memorize them all, and it is not a high priority since it is not clinically relevant information, like physiology.

I had been up since 5 am this morning, so when I got back from my exam I ran some errands and then took a nap since I knew I would be at work till late tonight. In fact, if I hadn't slept I would have gone 22 hours without sleeping at this point. Which has never been a problem for me in the past, but I'm trying to be more careful with that lately. Kind of crimps my style, but healthy is worth it.

Then it was off to zoology (thank goodness for that class, makes me feel smart), from there straight to work.

Work was strange. I was the most experienced technician on the shift, and the only licensed one (maybe not the most experienced in everything, but in anesthesia and lab yes). I'm still not used to that. It kind of freaks me out to have no one above me to go to except the doctors, and often they don't know nursing stuff like how to get the suction in surgery to work or how to get the capnograph to display readings... I think I like being a small fish in a big pond way better than being a big fish in a small pond. In fact, I'm sure of it.

And now, to see if I can somehow get myself to sleep all wired from this shift when I finished the fantastic lesbian romance novel I was reading at a snail's pace of one chapter a night. I don't think genetics reading will put me to sleep, it'll only get my brain going more. It's genetics or finances. Time to make a trip to the library!

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